Vibrational Therapy
Deep Soul ReCalibration
Service Description
Get a total energy bath of sounds that open veils of intimacy with your soul. In this opportunity , I am bringing forth ancient/timeless speech through vocals , moon drum, Tibetan Bowls, Koshi Chimes, hand drum, Guitar and other instruments. This thorough session offers you an Energetic scan , to identify the areas of work we need to dive into , to wash all available resistances, to shift wrong conceptions and trauma on a tissue level, to charge up the different layers of the body with new light. Reuniting with soul guidance and subtle voice. Price for private Activation , Energetic Scan , Wash & Charge - 115$ Open for groups : Couple- 155$ Triple - 188$ 4-5 people - 222$ 6-7 people - 255$ 8+ people - 30$ per person

24 hour prior - Full Refund.
Booking is only set when payment has been made. You may send me the payment in order to set the final booking via my PayPal in - studio@naamalexlevy.com Contact me personally incase you want to find other ways to pay. Contact me if you want to ask more about the session. You shall receive a full refund up to 24hours before our meeting, unless the booking was made and confirmed on the same day.
Contact Details