Bio Resonance
Gentle Electric Wave Therapy based on Chinese Medicine.
Service Description
Based on the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine - perceiving the body as one holistic system in which channels of energy run through (meridians)- Bio Resonance, similarly to acupuncture, is a type of therapy by which we awaken specific energetic channels. We consistently and clearly see that every thought and emption are stored in the body. in the cells, in the organs, in the tissue. In bio resonance, we plug electrodes and wear them over the wrists, feet, and head. We begin by identifying the area, elements, and organs that in need of restoration and recalibration, through thorough questioning. These electrodes, once activated, are capable of sending electric waves through the specific meridians (energetic channels) that pass exactly where we need help the most. It is a powerful and very effective tool to heal the body, and immediately imposing its effectiveness onto the emotional and spiritual bodies, that were expressing their imbalance through the physical.
24 hour prior - Full Refund.
Booking is only set when payment has been made. You may send me the payment in order to set the final booking via my PayPal in - Contact me personally incase you want to find other ways to pay. Contact me if you want to ask more about the session. You shall receive a full refund up to 24hours before our meeting, unless the booking was made and confirmed on the same day.
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